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Use our resources to nail your next Product Hunt launch

Product Hunt Workbook

Step by step blueprint to rank on top of Product Hunt

→ 125 launch tasks followed by top makers on Product Hunt
→ 99 communities to share your launch
→ 63 done for you launch posts for social media, emails and outreach messages

Steal content and graphics ideas from the Top #3 launches of Product Hunt in 2023.
A beginner’s guide to know ins and outs of a Product Hunt launch

Finished building your product?
Start launching here

Breakthrough Reddit

30+ viral post ideas to self promote on reddit without getting baaned

→ Copy these proven post ideas
→ Replace them with your content
→ Post on Reddit & Go viral

List of 75+ places that includes directories, launh platforms, and forum to promote your startup
Don't have enough time to get your hands dirty & promote your startup? Let us do the hard work for you for just $99.

Loved by Startup Founders and Indiehackers

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